Species: Procloeon narumonae  Tungpairojwong & Bae, 2015
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
  Order: Ephemeroptera
   Family: Baetidae
    Genus: Procloeon
Collection specimen
 - Male adult in Entomological Museum of Korea University
     - 51 male adults (light trap), 3 female adults (reared) and 17 female adults (light trap) in Entomological Museum of Korea University

 Adult: hindwings absent; tergum 4 and 7 with single pair of reddish stripes laterally (Tungpairojwong and Bae, 2015).
 Larva: maxillae with 2-segmented maxillary palp; maxillary palp terminal segment ca. 1.5×length of segment 1; terga 2-9 with large, dark brown spots medially; gills 1-5 double, dorsal flap reduce in size; lateral spines on tergum 8-9 well developed; gills 6-7 single (Tungpairojwong and Bae, 2015).


Mature nymph of Procloeon narumonae (Source: Tungpairojwong and Bae, 2015)

Habitat: Larvae of Procloeon narumonae were collected from the pool areas of slow-flowing permanent streams with abundant fallen leaves and marginal roots and macrophytes. The substrates mainly consisted of boulders mixed with cobbles, gravel, and sand on a large bedrock.

 - northern Thailand

Work cited:
 - Tungpairojwong, N. and Bae, Y.J. 2015. Three New Species of Procloeon (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from Thailand. Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity 31(1): 22–30.

ติดต่อและสอบถาม: narumon@kku.ac.th สาขาวิชาขีววิทยา คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น