Species: Ictinogomphus decoratus (Selys, 1854)
Synonyms: Ictinus melaenops Selys, 1858
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
  Order: Odonata
   Family: Gomphidae
    Genus: Ictinogomphus


- Body medium size
- Antenna hairy with 4 segments, segment 3 small and long
- Posterior of head straight, postocular lobe smooth
- Compound eyes triangular
- Labium flat, prementum short, anterior prementum slightly convex inward with small apine
- Wing-sheaths parallel
- Abdominal larger than head and thorax, mid dorsal spine developed on abdominal segmented 2-9, lateral spine developed on segmented 4-9, segmented 9 extent cover segmented 10


Ictinogomphus decoratusdorsal, A: dorsal view of larva; B: dorsal view of head; C, marginal spines on abdominal segmented (Source: Vannachak, 2009)

 - northen Thailand
 - southwestern Thailand
 - northeastern Thailand
 - southeastern Thailand
 - southern Thailand
 - central Thailand
 - Khon Kaen Province

Work cited:
 - Hämäläinen, M. and Pinratana, A. 1999. Atlas of the Dragonflies of Thailand: Distribution Maps by Provinces. Brothers of St. Gabriel in Thailand, Bangkok.
 - Vannachak, V. 2009. Association of Odonnata nymphs and adults in Muang district, Khon Kaen Province. Special study. Khon Kaen University.

ติดต่อและสอบถาม: narumon@kku.ac.th สาขาวิชาขีววิทยา คณะวิทยาศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น